Moirangthem Borkeinya’s “LEIKANGLA,” A Reminder of Irreparable and Unforgettable Past Events


By Kambam Ibohal Singh
A man’s heart (courage) is in a woman sans characteristic change “ By birth there is no difference between man and woman except organs and strength” It is perfectly true but the modesty, compassion, consistency( unchanging), integrity, sacrifice, nobleness towards man nature etc. are very special gift with fascinating and fantastic qualities from creator for woman.   “ LEIKANGLA” is a specialised literary product of a woman with the least and slightest impact on feminine qualities. The text is the best and most relevant to the present day economic, Social and political situation of this hilly state, Manipur.

The public leaders and politicians are self-interested and establishing assets to give firm foundation for their children and relatives at the cost of poor common people who are subjected to toil to get two square meals a day. There is no justification in treatment and distribution system between the  haves and  have-nots. The public urges to stop the unjustified disparity in distribution of national properties and incomes, are not paid heed by the concerned authorities. In absence of Govt. initiatives and aparthy the number of unemployed educated youths is on the increase. Employment opportunities are denied to the poor qualified youths who fail to buy the post due to abject poverty. Selection tests and interviews are carried out as a mere nominal show being mock, farcial and malicious to the disappointment of the poor candidates. For such irregularities and other public grievances bandth and strike are very often, the impact of which hit the poor common people working in various daily wage earning capacity.
Having no alternative means of survival, the youths from poor family background are uneasy in mind and fallen into the grip of the insurgent armed outfit for uncertain destination.

Polygamous system is still prevalent in Manipuri society. Well/ highly educated persons, bureaucrats, high ranking police officials and even poor common people are practicing the system to give birth to unattended children creating unhealthy society. Ample instances of those who have already enjoyed married life are still in uncertain and unrealistic love affair leading to utter despair in the rest of life. Raping and murder of girl student at rent from remote area reminds the similar circumstances Lungnila Elizabeth was murdered in a gruesome contemptuous manner. Calling out from home and murder after committing illegal act, killing of wife, son by father, even minor children etc. have been the order of the day ever spreading everywhere like wild fire or infectious disease. Bomb blasts in vital public places right under the nose of law enforcing agencies have been a routine work of anti-social elements. Raping a girl of a poor family in hill area by a cadre of UG outfit showing lack of discipline of insurgent group as dark spot in the Manipuri society is the social evil, intended focus as an eye opener.

Since 33 AD about 2000 years Manipur remained an independent state with dignities. History being evidence this hilly state sustained subjugation and disgrace. The seven years devastation, the British invasion and 1949 merger agreement are remarkable and unforgettable experiences of political scenarios of the past history.  Disunity was main contribution towards the seven years devastation being glaring evidence of history. It is still questionable as to who called in the British? The princes, who caused conflict among themselves for the throne, were responsible for it. As for the merger agreement 1949, the then king and his stooges were not matured in guiding the people of Manipur politically with a referendum or plebiscite while some self- interested leaders in the name of Indian National Congress of Manipur took political mileage to become advisors of council of the then Union Territory of Manipur. Are this disunity of the people, conflict of the princes and politically immaturity of the king and his assistants, not a great blunder creating never ending mayhem for tiny state Manipur? Plebiscite at this stage is to bell the cat (GOI). Plebiscite in Kashmir promised by Nehru regime is like a stone thrown into a deep sea.

To regain independence and past glory insurgent groups are working relentlessly for a few last decades. The numbers of mushrooming armed insurgent outfits surpass the existing more than 36 communities in this small state. “ LEIKANGLA” is the only book boldly expresses the disunity and unnecessary infighting engaged by these outfits. Liberation and attaining the old glory is the only target of all U.G insurgents? Tremendous efforts are not being made to unite. Is not it better to take a clear road map of unity for a collective struggle? There is heartbreaking doubt and uncertainty in mind of the people, if there are any hidden agenda behind this disunity for personal interest. Extortion by threatening at gun point, issuance of demand letter for unbearable amount, kidnapping for ransom including children like HRIINII HUBERT and MOHINI MARTIN (Senapati District), lobbing of bomb to extract money, killing for nonpayment etc. are continuously experiencing by the people for quite long time. Are these manners and ways to be followed by armed revolutionary groups? There is a big question mark raised in “LEIKANGLA”. Really there has been a powerful storm of reasoning erupted in the heart of every one since some truths are found in  the queries and expression indeed.

In fact “ LEIKANGLA” further reminds us the unfortunate, unforgettable and unpardonable killing of innocent civilians in the violent incidents of Heirangoithong and RMC gate ( now RIMS), the Malom massacre and irresponsible bomb blast at Commando’s quarter, Ragailong focusing the flaw in the leadership of UG outfits and indisciplined  unscrupulous activities of their cadres in crowded places. The deplorable gory incident of Heirok was the most heartbreaking and still remains afresh in the mind of the people of Heirok and Manipur. The injured girl has blessed the brother culprits for a pleasant and long life for keeping her blind forever.

To contain undesirable violent activities, the Govt. (GOI) deployed security forces with full provision of extreme actions under the Armed Forces Special Power Act 1958. Behind the cruel Act,Th. Manorama was raped and murdered and many others like Bijoykumar, Sanamacha etc. are missing and their whereabout is still a mystery. Irom Chanu Shermila is taking fast unto death for more than a decade demanding repeal of AFSPA. On the failure of the GOI even after one man commission’s recommendation to repeal the Act, Sharmila’s remark “India Govt. administration is by Security Forces, not by Civilians” proves true till date.

Borkeinya has a vast knowledge including that of military, her description of places of Bangladesh are charming and as a native she skillfully pinpoints every event and incident inside the state( Manipur). With special sympathy for those families and children of Chumbrei Thong bomb blast attack’s victims, she with heartfelt love, evoked the attackers’ mind a sentimental shock for the families who ever prayed with their children for the well-being and safe return of their husbands. This reminds us the old Dharmashala killing of a CRPF Subedar to hijack a jeep with him and thrown him out at Telepati on their way. People were greatly surprised and lauded the foolhardy deed of the killer not to think of the family and children of the decease. What a ruthless?  

Borkeinya deserves to hit hat-trick win of literary award for 2010. For me “LEIKANGLA” is a desert, a place of futility of all violent culture in the name of patriotism. Patriotism can be had sans violence. At the initial stage people were silent and tolerant; now the same people stage sit in protest against such violence with gun and bomb towards the public who can’t articulate anything for fear of gun. People are living in a fool’s paradise happily amid suffering, extortion and killing. All Govt. developmental works are meaningless in absence of peace and security of life. We have lost countless lives and caused suffering to hundreds of thousands for the cause of nothing. Our lives are akin to a petalless stalk with only sprout of Kombirei, the highly valued flower. We are mistaken and full of repentance. Nothing is left but desperate and repentance for the lost of lives and manpower in hostile activities.

It is too dear. “ Onthoknasu Pamuida”


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