Health awareness prog at Bishnupur, Manipur


IMPHAL, July 14: A one-day awareness programme on “Reproductive and Health Rights” was conducted today at the RCDS Conference Hall, Thaninkhun, Bishnupur Bazar.

The programme was jointly organized by the Gender and Development Initiative (GENDI) and the Human Rights Law Network (HRLN). It was attended by around 70 participants comprising ASHA health workers, Anganwadi workers, representatives of NGOs and civil societies from Bishnupur district.

The programme began with a welcome address and self-introduction by the participants.  Ranjana Gotimayum, public health nurse, family welfare department, Bishnupur talked about the problems of maternal mortality and morbidity in Manipur. She also highlighted the measures initiated so far under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) through ASHAs in the state.

Jubita Hajarimayum, chief functionary, Gender and Development Initiative critically examined the sociology of reproductive and health rights.

In his speech, Meihoubam Rakesh, director, Human Rights Law Network dwelled at length on the legal intervention to strengthen implementation and accountability of maternal health and reproductive rights.

The focal point of discussion that followed the lectures centered on the lack of awareness of the various schemes and provisions on “Reproductive and Health Rights” available under the Government of India. It not only called for awareness of the schemes and provisions but also to make them available to the public.


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