Knee replacement surgery comes into age in Manipur


IMPHAL, July 28: For the first time in the northeast, a bilateral knee replacement surgery was performed at Shija Hospital today. The groundbreaking surgery was performed on a sexagenarian woman by Dr Vikas Kapoor, Director of Medical Institute of Orthopedic Sciences, Medical Superspeciality Hospital, Kolkota.

Managing Director of  Shija Hospital, Dr Palin said that this is one of the venture of the institute in providing the latest and quality medical treatment to the public.

At a subject oriented meeting held at Classic Hotel today which was attended by medical professionals, Vikas Kapoor said that knee replacement is the latest method in giving aid to those suffering from degenerative joint disease. Mentioning association with his counterparts of the state, the specialist said that due to main factors attributed to degeneration, accidents and trauma, the numbers of patients suffering from knee pain is on the rise in the state as recorded similarly elsewhere.

Sportspersons especially footballers from the northeast have availed his services with the like of Renedy and Baichung Bhutia among others during the last decade. Sharing enthusiasm of providing his expertise to bring relief to patients suffering from bone degenerative afflictions, the specialist said that timely treatment is necessary as long term medication in the regard may lead to harming other vital organs of the patient.

Presenting a power point on diagnosis and treatment procedure of the knee bone affliction, he mentioned that checking weight problems can go a long way in preventing joint pains and that there are different methods of healing prior to opting for the joint replacement.

Dr Palin also stated that a medical milestone has been achieved today. The knee replacement was performed for the first time in the northeast at Shija Hospital and there are  a significant number of patients afflicted with the medical problem today.

He said that Shija will cater to the need of the public and there is no need for patients to seek medical attention outside the state in the regard. Shija doctors will be trained from the concerned specialist following his scheduled visit and routine operations to be conducted here.

The operation of knee replacement cost Rs 1.6 lac per knee along with post operative charges.


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