Tangkhul bodies condemn assault on Ukhrul SDPO


UKHRUL, August 25: The Tangkhul Shanao Long (TSL), the Tangkhul Katamnao Saklong (TKS) and the Thawaijao Hungpung Young Students Organisation (THYSO) have strongly condemned the incident wherein the Ukhrul SDPO Rocky and his driver were assaulted by drunken miscreants at Dungrei Junction, Hungpung, on the evening of 24 August, 2014.

Terming the incident in this  time of tension prevailing in Ukhrul district headquarters as unfortunate, the apex women body and the two students’ organizations in a joint press statement have said that they strongly condemned the act of assaulting on a police officer who was doing his duty in good faith.

The apex organizations have further appealed to the general public to refrain from such unwarranted behaviors which might project the entire community in bad light while also expressing deep sadness over the Sunday incident.

Urging the denizens of the district not to repeat such act in future, the organizations have warned in no uncertain terms that occurrence of such incidents in their jurisdiction will be dealt with sternly.


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