Civic action programmes of the Indian army means to suppress movement: RPF


IMPHAL, Sept 3: The proscribed outfit, the Revolutionary People’s Front has said India is resorting to all forms of strategies including terror and violence to defeat the genuine movement to regain freedom of Manipur.

A statement issued by its secretary publicity Roben Khuman has said that the use of military terrorism which has been denounced and condemned by all is to rule the land and its people by force.

Physical assault, forced disappearance, rapes etc are different violent acts of the Indian army to suppress the people of Manipur, the statement said.

The statement further claimed that not only such atrocities but India has also been playing the divide and rule and certain devilish political games to create a wedge amongst the different communities that have been residing peacefully together for the past many years.

The RPF statement further said that Paulo Freire in his “The Pedagogy of the Oppressed” published in 1968 had stated about the divide and rule strategy played by the oppressor as “… as the oppressor minority subordinates and dominates the majority, it must divide it and keep it divided in order to remain in power. The minority cannot permit itself the luxury of tolerating the unification of the people, which would undoubtedly signify a serious threat to their own hegemony. Accordingly, the oppressors halt by any fashion could awaken the oppressed to the need for unity. …”

The statement continued that India has been practising ideological weapons in fields of religion, health care, philanthropy, suspension of military operations, treaties, commercial exchange or the civic action programmes in order to control the masses and portray the act of colonisation to be for the welfare of the people.

The main objective of the Indian regime is to completely control the Western South East Asia region by means of military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological, civic action and divide and rule strategies, it said and added that a sense of mistrust has been created among the communities of the region.

The statement further stated that Nandini Sunder in her “Interning insurgent population: The buried history of Indian democracy” has clearly shown how State and Indian forces had acted to create a barrier between the revolutionaries and the public in Nagaland and Mizoram.

It continued that since the 1950, the Indian and State forces had carried out large scale regrouping of villages by displacing one village from a certain place to another in Nagaland and Mizoram

The main objective of such actions was to separate the public from the revolutionaries, it said.

However, when their various strategies and tactics failed to defeat the revolutionary movement, India has made some changes and is continuing with the civic action programmes, the statement claimed.

Under the civic action programmes, the Indian army has now started planting saplings with the promise of making Manipur green again, distributing TVs computers to local clubs and conducting medical camps etc., it said.

It further said that such acts are nothing but to lead the public against the revolutionary movement.


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