Story of Mr. O. – InkTober Day 10


Jackson Meisnam Inktober

by Jackson Meisnam

On the way towards Guerilla street, saw this new bar; with a warm invitational board, written, “Unlimited Pack offer.” Calculating the time and money I had, I re-checked the offer dozen times; entered the bar to feel the new ambience and obviously, to reassure “the offer.” After a few enquiries to this beautiful bartender, came to know; I have to pay Rs.1500 and enjoy unlimited drinks and snacks.

What say? Felt like a Wonderland.
Beautiful interior, Awesome service and mind blowing offer.

Personally, I prefer the gentleman’s controlled drinking manner; but after having six rounds of blended shots with this stranger on my right, I started to locate the door. ‘Standing’ was not my cup of tea, at that moment. So, I smiled at the bartender and crawled out the exit gate.

(About Inktober: Every October, artists all over the world take on the InkTober drawing challenge by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month.
Jake Parker created InkTober in 2009 as a challenge to improve  inking skills and develop positive drawing habits.Jackson was busy with some domestic project so couldn’t start from day 1. So he decided to join in from day 6 by drawing a story based excuse. The Story of Mr.O.)


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