VC signs second pact to modify first

Academic Council members stage a walk-out from the VC’s office.
Academic Council members stage a walk-out from the VC’s office.

Manipur University teachers demand Prasad’s removal.

The Manipur University vice-chancellor Aadya Prasad Pandey signed one more Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with another group of student organisations, the second such agreement in two days.

Yesterday the VC signed the first agreement with All Tribal Students Union Manipur, Democratic Students Alliance of Manipur, All Naga Students Association, Manipur and Kuki Students Organisation.

Yesterday’s agreement adopts the Central Educational Institution (Reservation in Admission), 2006, amended in 2012. The reservation as per the amended act is 31 per cent for STs, 2 per cent for SCs and 17 per cent for OBCs students.

The MoU also superseded a resolution adopted by the Academic Council on October 8.

Today the VC signed the second MoU with All Manipur Students Union, Kangleipak Students Association, Manipuri Students Federation, Students Union Kangleipak, Manipur University Students Union and Joint Action Committee.

Today’s MoU has four points.

The first point says “The resolution of the Academic Council dated 8th October, 2016 of the university remains as it is and can be amended only by another Academic Council in the light of the orders of the competent authority/court.”

The second point says, “It is clarified that the seats of 31 per cent allotted to ST students shall be out of the initial intake capacity in various departments as specified in the Prospectus.”

The third says, “The university authority would uphold the sanctity and privilege of the Heads and Deans Committee and Academic Council of the university. As such the heads and deans resolution dated 7 th November, 2016 and subsequent meeting resolutions thereafter shall be followed.”

The fourth point says, “For better academic atmosphere the university will look into the feasibility of approaching competent authority if need arises.”

Reacting to the second MoU teachers demanded that Pandey should be removed from the Manipur University.

“This is a serious joke. The VC has reduced the university to a big farce. He has no place here. He should be removed to save the university from becoming a big joke,” a member of the Academic Council told IFP.

Earlier in the day taking strong exception of the MoU signed yesterday, members of the Academic Council decided to resign from the Academic Council. The members today gathered together and prepared a representation for submission to the VC.

The members launched a signature campaign for submission of the representation. By late afternoon about 25 members signed the representation.

The representation says “We, the undersigned, with full knowledge of the facts, circumstances and issues facing the university today, resign from the membership of the Academic Council with immediate effect and we would do so as long as you continue as chairman of the Academic Council.”

On getting information of the signature campaign the VC invited the members to a meeting at 2.30 pm at his conference hall. However, those members, who turned up walked out of the hall in a huff at 3 pm after the VC failed to show up.

Speaking to IFP, Pandey said “There is no question of superseding or quashing the decision of Academic Council’s decision. The main thing is that we are giving 31 percent reservation to ST students as per the order of the High Court and as per norms of the UGC, HRD Ministry.

“I am not a law maker. I am just following orders. It is up to the government of India or higher authority how much reservation should be given to students in the university.”

Responding to queries on the resignation threat by members of the Academic Council the VC said that he will convince the teachers the ‘real situation’ and resolve it.

“I think my teachers will listen for the benefit of the students and the university”, he added.

As for the plight of the students who are opposed to the amended reservation policy, the VC assured that he will do whatever he can at his disposal for the benefit of the students.

Source: Imphal Free Press


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