Senapati youth fest to aim at bridging communal divides


Imphal, Nov14: The North East Youth Festival, 2011 which would be held on January 18 & 19 at Senapati, Manipur with an objective to give an effort to bridge the communal gap between the NE states.

Stating this Dominik Chawang, convenor of the organizing committee of the festival during the press conference held this morning at Hotel Classic, North AOC Imphal, this year the North East Youth festival will be held With its theme, “Peace through Culture & Identity”, the festival endeavors to highlight a ray of light and common mission to press home the message of brotherhood. The theme is an effort to showcase the oneness of the region in the midst of diversity and therefore proposes an agenda for peace amongst all the people.

He further mentioned that, the festival attempts not only to showcase the beautiful people of the North-East but also to ffind out the rich culture of the region and tap young talented youth in all respect, and most importantly to lure the charm, beauty and feminine heart ‘the lady” from among the bevy of delightful women, representing all the states in the region. The challege here will be to applaud beauty of the rare kind that lightens the mind, refreshes the eyes but most importantly, one that defines the identity, culture, beauty and charm in all respects of people.

The spokesperson further mentioned that, there is believe that it is through a comprehensive understanding of this beauty that a sense of togetherness and sense of brotherhood will be created.

He said, the north east has more than often been described as region of fear to the outside world. And it is here, through this event that she will echo across the horizon of the north east that ours is land of serenity seen through the prism of the hearts of the people. This event aims at a higher realm and horizon in bringing the youths of the north east to a common platform so as to reason together collectively in enhancing the missionof brotherhood in the midst of differences, he added.

The spokesperson also mentioned that, the committee members hopes that such a festival which is being held for the first time will reflect youth as the hope of today across the length and depth of the North east and infuse in the minds of people to “celebrate the culture and identity and liberate the youth from the dying socio-fabric engulfed by the doctrine of violence and hatred.

The festival will be spread over two days with music concerts and beauty contests. The cultural prize will be of Rupees One Lakh while consolation prize to all participants will be given Rupees Ten Thousand. The first prize for beauty contest is Rupees One Lakh Twenty Thousand, second prize will be Rupees Eighty Thousand and the third prize will be Rupees Fifty Thousand he added.

Another member of the commitee further mentioned that, the committee members have welcomed one and all irrespective of castes, communities and region to participate in the festival which will epitomize unity in diversity through culture, dance and music. The Youth Initiative Foundation has called for a collective effort from all people, regardless of color, community and tribe to realize the shared vision of peace and prosperity in North East India. More details can be obtained @ 9089170044,9615486942 & 9862584165.


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