KCP (Maoist) states stance


    IMPHAL MArch 15: The proscribed KCP (Marxist ,Leninist and Maoist) in a press statement by the outfits Assistant Publicity and Propaganda states that a neutral body should be instituted to find out the charges and the counter charges of the outfit and those stated by the Lamshang constituency councillors.
    The relase states that allegations have been made against MLA Brajabidhu regarding misuse of funds and public developmental works. If the clarifications made by the workers of the MLA are correct,then the outfit is ready to apologize but if the allegations are true, then the fitting punishment will be meted out to the deserving persons,it said. Further,the officials of PPO should immediately cease all works and resign from the club,the emeging of one Modhubala as the leader of the meira paibee is surprising and undeserving ,the outfit condemns the selection of the individual as the representative.


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