YOLLLO Cup Football tourney


IMPHAL, July 5:  Young Learners Library and Leading Organization, (YOLLLO), Keibi in its ongoing 4th YOLLLO Cup Football tournament, 2012at Keibi Primary School ground saw KMSA, Keibi Awang Leikai, SAIPO(B), Keibi Heikak Mapal, YGC, Wakhong and UVA, Uyumpok Terapur emerge as winners of the matches held today.

The  first match saw KMSA beat CCYD at 2-1, the second match SAIPO (B) beat CSC at 4-3, the third play saw YGC beat PASU at 3-2, the final match saw UVA beat SAIPO at 1-0.


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