Press Invitation: Day-long fast to highlight the 12 years of struggle of Irom Sharmila


Press Invitation

Day-long fast to highlight the 12 years of struggle of Irom Sharmila

Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign(SSSC) is a nation-wide struggle against the neglect and suppression of Irom Sharmila, a Manipuri poet-activist who has been on a hunger-protest for 12 years now, on a protest against the Armed Forces Special Powers Act(AFSPA) in Manipur. For this, SSSC has in the past, organized various events such as candle vigils, documentry sessions, public awareness rallies, press conferences, sit in protests, delegation meets with NHRC etc.

On 5th November, Irom Sharmila will complete 12 years of her hunger-protest. To highlight her 12 years of struggle, tomorrow i.e. 4th November, 12 volunteers of SSSC and some supporters will sit on a day-long fast at Jantar Mantar. The day-lost fast is in solidarity with her hunger-protest of 12 years, an important yet neglected non-violent and democratic struggle in the World’s largest democracy. We want to send the message that she is not alone. SSSC has volunteers and supporters across the country and even beyond it.

We feel for Irom because she is a true democrat and a citizen of this country. She has every right to be heard. Her struggle shows her faith in democracy and non-violence. The Government must initiate talks with her.

In another step to highlight the struggle, SSSC also has an ongoing article-series on Irom Sharmila wherein articles were invited from the public and were published on the website. 12 articles were selected and one article was published every day to symbolize one year of fast. This will conclude on 5th November.

Venue: Jantar Mantar
Date: 4th November 2012
Time: 9 AM to 5 PM

We invite your presence as we highlight this important yet neglected struggle.


Ravi Nitesh 9958907799
Devika Mittal 9582129927
Pankaj Pathak 9811095895


(A joint initiative of various organizations & movements)


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