The Education Condition In Chandel District


    By L. Wolring
    I would like to appeal to my fellow Christians and other friends through this paper on the education condition in Chandel District and it is an attempt to encourage the various schools and colleges, churches and civil societies to play a positive role to eradicate these social evil practices within our present Christian and other communities.

    Education conditions :

    a) The Schools/ Colleges

    Let us say about the schools in Chandel District are doing anything better but the reality stands that there are schools and colleges are to be run and operated on sound footing by the concerned school or college authorities. They need good buildings, qualified teachers and able managers. In order to make that possible, they need a good financial support to meet the salaries of teachers and as school tuition fee is the main source of income. They need a good number of students to fulfill the requisite strength of students in the school or college as it is obligatory to the rules imposed by the Board, Council and University.

    While appreciating their noble efforts, sometimes the students are made the victims. Dr. Nelson Mandela’s beautiful statement comes to one’s mind at this juncture. “When two big elephants fight, it is the grass beneath them that suffers” most of the schools, colleges open their doors to any student as they need them. Students failing to pass exams in a school or college can go to another school or college without clearing tuition fee from the previous schools or colleges, they can go to any schools or colleges, they wish to. Ultimately, quality education is out of question in Chandel District.

    b) The Teachers:

    In the absence of properly run govt. schools or colleges in Chandel District, the private schools and Higher secondary schools are coming up in the district in the past few years. Private school teachers are the most lowly paid, most uncared for and most unrecognized but most hard working brothers and sisters of our District. In short, they are to be appreciated. The quality of a teacher with a higher degree is generally accepted. Are the teachers of Chandel District qualified and possess the degrees of teaching? Other lots are those who jumped into this profession just after completing matriculation or 12th class. The schools accept them readily for less is spent on them. As per norms of national education policy, all the teachers should possess the degree of B.Ed., M.Ed.

    In Chandel District, there are many Govt. teachers under the education deptt. and ADC, who are not attending the schools at all as such the economically poor parents are sending their children to private schools where they are paying school tuition fees. Of course in some Govt. schools or college, the teachers are available but the students who want to be like a free-bird didn’t attend the schools or colleges. As they didn’t attend the classes, they are bound to adopt the practice of the unfair means and impersonation.

    c) Mass copying and impersonation in the examinations

    Education is the process of bringing about changes in the behavior of the pupils. It is possible only by the involvement of educational atmosphere, social awareness, teachers and parents. The education means a total development of mankind physically, mentally, spiritually and socially. It is quite painful for me to say that the present education system in Chandel District is far from quality education because the parents send their children to school to get degree and not for quality education. The parents willingly and knowingly encouraged their children to change the school by producing fake certificates with dual purposes of double promotion of class and escape from clearing the dues from previous school. Purchase and issue of fake certificates is not hard at all. Some schools accepted such fake certificates to attract students. At the time of writing HSLC Examination, the parents bribed the head/authority of schools and examination centres for change of photos for impersonation, change of answer scripts a
    nd appointment of invigilators from outside Though there was no such corruption in the examination before 1977. While visiting the examination halls at  the Chandel Centre for HSLCE –2012 and I felt very much discouraged to see undesirable activities such as unfair-means and impersonation and my conscience compelled me to think over to discontinue to bring the quality education in the area. I personally volunteered by seizing books and notes. I found the candidates of a particular school, in the examination halls with their teachers as invigilators. When the result of such school come out with good pass percentage, the parents of this area judged that school is good. The Heaven only knows which student or school is untouched by the practice of unfair-means and there are no students or schools or colleges unaffected by this menace of unfair-means. While visiting the Class XI Examination hall in a Govt. Hr. Sec. School, it was like a public market. Same thing happened for Class XII and B.A. Examination. It is my effort and appeal to the students and parents to be truthful in all our activities and the truth shall set us free. –John 8:32. And the God of Heaven will prosper us. –Nehemiah 2:20. The Bible also clearly said that “Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin –James 4:17”. I also appeal to Manipur University, Council of Higher Secondary and Board of Secondary Education, Manipur to impose more restrictions while conducting examination so as to save the education system from bad to worst.

    The Bible says, “Righteousness exalt a nation but sin is reproach to any people”. – Proverbs 14:34. Jesus Christ is the Lord of history and central to Christian’s faith. As Christians we deny our faith and failed to acknowledge Jesus as Lord in our every personal, social, religious, economic and political lives because we have Biblical mandate to preach the everlasting gospel to the whole world and to work for the national righteousness. The Christian movement needs to involve for bringing the social justice not only for the sake of private moral renewal. The family is a divinely willed institution. It is God’s wish for one man and one woman to live together in lifelong commitment.

    Hence legislation and public funds should not promote sinful life-styles. Every human life being created in the image of God. The value and worth of each individual is independent of his/her social usefulness so Christians should not remain silent when modern community forgets the value or allows corruption. Religious and political freedom is God given rights. The church and state should be separated because sinful and selfish people regularly abuse power which lacks justice and balances. Therefore, freedom of expression and political liberty are very much crucial.

    God and His obedient people have a very special concern for the poor. “He who is kind to the poor lend to the Lord, He will regard him for what he has done”. Proverb 19:17. “I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy” – Psalm 140:12. God require just economic patterns in the community. God is the absolute owner of all things and desires the earth’s resources to be benefited by everyone. The Bible condemned both those are lazy and those become rich by oppressing others. God requires Christians to be peacemakers. The Christian should pray earnestly for the time when “Nations shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more”. – Isaiah 2:4 and we should agree with the words of Jesus, “Blessed are the peacemakers” – Matthew 5:9. For God requires stewardship of the earth’s resources. 

    The earth is the Lord’s and humanity is to exercise dominion over it. It is a must for each generation to protect the environment and preserve the quality of life for future generation but our community have failed and brought destruction of wild animal life and forest even though we are to be stewards of God’s gifts. Personal integrity is vital. The Bible demands honesty and personal righteousness. Dishonesty in public affairs spoiled the democratic process. A politician’s or church leader’s personal and family life should be a good model for the rest of the community and personal religious conviction helps prevent the abuse of political power for narrow personal purposes.

    We must repent because the Bible says that “If my people which are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their lands. – II Chronicles 7:14. Christians must support only those public and church leaders, who are willing to take positive Biblical stand on corruption, alcoholism, abortion, illicit sex traffic, gambling and quality education etc. A person or community that aims at getting justice and honour God in public affairs will be blessed by God who is Lord of History.

    (L. Wolring, Principal , Anallon Christian Institute, Lambung, Chandel)


    1. The best comment and indeed the best way to give demonstration about the syestem of education in chandel.. We the people need to put forward every effort inorder to uplift n bring development through education.


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