Dolaithabi Dam targeted for March 2015 completion: Engineer apprises CM


IMPHAL, May 2: As part of a routine inspection of the various construction projects taken up in the state, chief minister Okram Ibobi Singh accompanied by other officials concerned, visited the Dolaithabi multi proposed project site under construction, this morning.

During the visit, the chief minister was accompanied by IFC minister Ngamthang Haokip, Speaker Th Lokeshore and other IFCD officials. The chief minister assessed the ongoing construction work at the Dam site and asked for timely completion of the Dam.

PIC. for Net, May 3
Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh at the Dolaithabi Dam site.

He also inspected the Iril River water ways which has been diverted for the construction.

Chief engineer of IFCD Indramani said that the target is to complete the main work by March of 2015. Frequent general strikes and blockades is hampering the project. The labourers are not easy to find, he apprised the CM.

He further said that 70 percent of civil work has been completed. The Dam will have six separate gates which will be 10.5m in height and 10m in breadth.

The Dam is planned to provide water to 7500 hectors of agricultural land. No power generation is included in the project.

He said the reservoir will provide enough water for irrigational supply in the area.

Now the canal work is about 10 percent completed. It will be completed within a short period of time.

The water in the Dam which is reserved in the upstream is a temporary arrangement.  It will be controlled during the time of flood and water will also be provided for the PHE department etc. The project is under the National Hydro power project co-operation, Maharashtra, he added. Later the chief minister also visited Maphou dam along with the officials.


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