KNLF bans other rival Kuki organisations


Imphal Aug 27: The Kuki National Liberation Front (KNLF) has banned the Kuki People’s Forum, Kuki Chief’s Association (KCA), Thadou Students’ Association (TSA), Kuki Students’ Organization (KSO), Kuki Women Human Rights, said KNLF secretary Lalmoi i on Wednesday.

Speaking to media persons, KNLF secretary Lalmoi stated that most of the Kuki Civil Organisations of Chandel have been instigated by the United Kuki Liberation Army (UKLF) and they are working against the interests of the people, so KNLF has decided to ban them.

KNLF has taken this decision after giving a lot of thought that most of the Kuki Civil Organization leaders are dictated by the UKLF and they are working against public interest and have started to issue a notification without informing the general headquarters, added Lalmoi.

KNLF has lots of regards for the Chiefs’ association and civil organisation of Chandel district but if they can be easily swayed by UKLF, KNLF will not remain a silent spectator, he said, adding that if leaders of civil organisation go against KNLF or if oppose the front then they will be rewarded capital punishments.

It is a very unfortunate that some civil organisations opposed KNLF due to the instigation of UKLF which is totally against the interests of the people of Chandel, Lalmoi said.


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