

By RK Lakhi Kant

A roadside circus show –
what an exciting and
adventurous profession,
without any of the cares
which bind family men.
A small family with two
or three children and the
rest their young friends who
joined them by learning
a few small tricks.
What freedom – to flex
the body, walk on the
tightrope, wriggle in and out
of rings, and acrobatic feats.
The mind too, disciplined to
concentrate, sending out a
message of healthy living
from the small troupe.
Looking for a place to set
up the arena for the next
show along the dusty path.
An abundant amount of
positivity to live life freely
without any frivolous cares.
To live life as an adventure,
gaining calm and strength
from an experience with the
beauty of life on a way once
traveled, especially in
the youthful years.
How much this warmth
that exudes from
the younger days.


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