Former state scribe receives national award for banana farming


IMPHAL, 19 March: Soibam Manitomba Singh, President Kanglei Economy Development Organisation and a journalist by profession was awarded for his valuable contribution and promotion of modern Hi-Tech techniques and good agricultural practices including tissue culture and drip irrigation in banana cultivation in hilly region of Manipur.

He was felicitated during the international conference on dynamics of technology for quality production of banana held at Maharashtra from 15th to 17th March 2015.

Soibam Manitomba was awarded by Maharashtra Agriculture Minister Eknath Khadse with a citation, memento and a cheque for Rs 51,000. The award was entitled for the year 2013.

The conference was organised by Jain Irrigation System Ltd and Bhavarlal and Kantabai Jain Multipurpose Foundation.

Soon after he reached the state, a brief press meet was held at the Kangla Pao office and a welcome ceremony was conducted jointly by Kangla Pao staffs and KEDO members at the said venue.

In the press meet he said that during his routine work as journalist he was covering a story on distribution of banana seeds and sapling to the beneficiaries, and he requested for some of the seeds and sapling for himself to start a banana cultivation.

Seeing his enthusiasm, mission director TMNE Kh Ratan Kumar handed him 500 banana seeds, he said.

With this he started cultivating banana at his 1 acre farm from the seeds he managed to receive from mission director. His successful banana farm was inspected and endorsed in the 2009-10 annual report and hence he was shortlisted for the award he mentioned.

Manitomba said that all together 14 banana cultivators from India were felicitated during the conference and among them he was the only awardee from the entire North Eastern States.

He mentioned that participating in the international conference has motivated him more to expand his banana cultivation and also has learnt more about hi-tech cultivation. He said that he is hopeful to spread his banana cultivation in the State.


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