69th Independence Day celebrated across State

CM Ibobi inspecting the guard of honour during the Independence Day celebration
CM Ibobi inspecting the guard of honour during the Independence Day celebration

IMPHAL, Aug 16: As celebrated in other parts of the country, Manipur also celebrated the 69th Independence Day amidst tight security at 1st Bn Manipur Rifles Parade Ground on August 15.

Speaking on the occasion, Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh said the state government is not playing any delaying tactics or it is nothing like the government does not want to implement ILPs in the State.

The government is trying to draft the proposed bill before the end of this month. By which it doesn`™t mean that the government is waiting for 31st of this month but rather it can be any date within this month say it can be on 20 or 25 or even earlier, he said.

He further said that every demand of JCILPS is achievable through dialogues. He however maintained that the government has some limitations and that the feasibilities of the bill can be discussed by sitting together.

The issue is the steps to be taken after the bill is passed. The governor may reserve the Bill as it a money bill. But for this part all the politics parties can go to Delhi to urge the PM or the Central government to implement ILPS or a similar law to safeguard the indigenous population of the State.

Ibobi asserted that even the super power of the world cannot challenge the integrity of Manipur. There is only one way to encroach Manipur`™s land that is by killing all the people by bombing or by crushing the people using a very big bulldozer.

Ibobi also refuted the statement of the interlocutor of Indo-Naga talks RN Ravi that he met Manipur Chief Minister more than 12 times before a framework of the peace accord agreement was signed.

He said he met Ravi for three times only but did not discuss anything serious about the Naga issue in detail.

Ibobi said the first one was on April 27 last at Manipur Bhavan, New Delhi that also he tried not to give appointment to Ravi but due to Ravi`™s persuasions and considering that Ravi is the interlocutor he thought of meeting him once.

During the meeting, Ravi only asked for support in solving the Naga issue and nothing serious was discussed.

According to CM Ibobi, the second meeting with Ravi was when the CM had a meeting with Dr Jitendra post the Chandel ambush where Ravi also came but there was no discussion about the Naga issue at all.

The third was when the CM went to meet the Union Home Minister at his official residence on August 8. Ravi was also there at the Union Home Minister`™s official residence and they had a brief chat however nothing serious was discussed about the Naga issue.

The CM added that most of the demands of the hill people of the State for speedy development can be solved by amending the existing laws. The real problem is the fund constraint.

The 69th Independence Day was also celebrated at Bisnnupur Mini Secretariat Complex with Deputy Commissioner, Bishnupur Bobby Waikhom attending ad chief guest.SP Bishnupur Themthing Ngasangba; District Level Officers and several other government officials were also present at the celebration function.

March Pass by ten contingents from Manipur Police, Home Guard, VDF and Jawahar Navodya Vidyalaya Bishnupur and performance of cultural programmes by students of JNB Bishnupur were the main highlights of the function.

During the celebration, headmaster of Ishok Primary School H Iboyaima and several other government employees were honoured with Best Employee Award in recognition of their distinguished services.

The Independence Day was also celebrated at Mualnuam village in Churachandpur district, which was recently selected for new SDO Office under Thanlon Sub Division of Churachandpur district.

The celebration held under the initiative of local MLA and Parliament Secretary (PS), Vungzagin Valte was attended by many leaders including Zomi Council (ZC) Chairman LB Sona, Ngazam ADC constituency MDC, ZRO President Thanglianpau Guite, DLOs of Churachandpur, and several chiefs of the areas.

Eleven contingents from nine schools took out a march past parade during the function. The newly appointed SDO of the new subdivision, Thangboi Gangte hoisted the National Tri-colour flag.

Gangte said that the celebration was historic as the region has not witnessed any such big celebration in the past. The celebration was coincided with the informal inauguration of the new sub-division whose infrastructure is yet to be sanctioned by the government. The 69th Independence Day celebration was organised as per the Government Standing order of August 3, 2015.

Independence Day was also celebrated at Hiangtam Lamka public ground, Churachandpur. The celebration was led by ADCC Chairman Mr.Langkhanpau Guite and other team led by Churachandpur DC Lunminthang Haokip. Several dignitaries including a good number of ADCC members attended the celebration.

Churachandpur DC unfurled the National Tri-colour flag which was followed by a speech to the people present in the celebration and presentation of bravery award to four students who showed an exemplary bravery to save children from the inferno of raging fire and a 7 years old child from drowning in Tuitha (Khuga) river.

After the formal Independence Day celebration, a football exhibition match was played by the ADCC members. The celebration was marked by one of the largest contingent in the district so far with larger number of participants are students from various schools.

Braving the rain, Tamenglong also celebrated the 69th Independence Day with tight security and fun-filled.

The main function of the celebration was held at Lower Ground, Mini Stadium. Deputy Commissioner M. Luikham hoisted the National Tri-colour flag and received salutation from the march past taken out by 35 contingents by students of schools, colleges, police, VDF, NCC, and Band Party of 5th MR (Chiuluan, Khongjaron).

Cultural programmes, giving away of Credential Certificates to selected employees, distribution of red blanket were the main highlights of the function. The first prize of this year Gate Construction competition was bagged by Forest Department, followed by TADC (second) and Medical Department (third). In the competition of the march pass, the first prize went to 5th MR Unit Standard School (co-contingent), and the second and third went to Don Bosco School (girl contingent) and Gadailong Govt. Primary School (girl contingent).

Unlike the previous years, eleven non-Congress members attended the function. A football exhibition match was also played between DC XI and Medical Team ( Agui Kamei, TML) as part of the celebration.

Chandel district, a home of many ethnic groups following different cultures and tradition demonstrated the concept of the country`™s distinctive feature, unity in diversity as it joined the rest of the districts and states of the country in celebrating the 69th Independence Day on August 15 at Maha Union Govt Higher Secondary school ground, Japhou.

Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Commissioner Robert Singh Kshetrimayum highlighted various development initiatives and challenges being taken up by various line departments and sought further cooperation from various CSOs and community leaders for taking the district forward on the path of peace and development.

Organised under the aegis of the Chandel District Administration, the celebration was marked by unfurling of the tricolour, colourful parades of 42 contingents including MR, Manipur polices, VDF, ex-servicemen, colleges and school students and Dance troupe, cultural items and distribution of awards and prizes.

During the cultural session, Chandel Conservatory Music rendered beautiful hymns that were followed by cultural dance display of Anal, Chothe, Gorkha, Lamkang, Monsang, and Tarao.

Students of JNV Chandel performed Bharatnatyam while St joseph School Panchai, Anallon Christian Institute performed choreography and Maha union Govt Higher secondary school displayed cultural dance.

As part of the celebration, a football exhibition match between DC-XI team and Chiefs-XI team was organized.

District top police officials, govt officials and staffs, thousands of publics and members of various communities living in the district were also present at the occasion.


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