Several mild aftershocks went unnoticed today


IMPHAL, January 4: Widespread apprehension continue of possible aftershocks in the state.

However, there is no need for too much alarm as the aftershocks need not be too damaging, according to Prof. S Manichandra of Manipur University, Earth Science department.

He told IFP that there have been several aftershocks and the first one came at around 9.30 am, not long after the main quake. This one measured approximately 5.1 on the Richter scale. Subsequent aftershocks numbering around 23/24 have already occurred but went unnoticed due to their low intensities.

When queried on possibilities of more quakes happening today, he said as of the moment, the seismic activity most probably happened in the Indian plate only and there is no clash of tectonic plates with Myanmar.

This being the case, and as the state was the epicenter, it is highly unlikely that there would be further violent aftershocks or quakes in the next 24 hours, he explained.

Asked on whether future earthquakes of such intensity may hit the State, he said that earthquakes being a natural phenomenon cannot be predicted. As of today, the Earth Science Department measured the intensity as 6.8 in the Seismograph and also the later aftershocks.


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