Two wrongs do not make a right Crippling RIMS for two days


Two wrongs do not make a right. This obviously blew over the heads of all concerned and what one saw was RIMS being literally paralysed for two days. First MLA and Parliamentary Secretary K Megha- chandra was absolutely wrong in allegedly assaulting a male nurse and an attendant after his entry to the hospital to visit a patient was delayed as it was past the visiting hour. The nurses and attendants were again absolutely wrong in evicting all the patients from the hospital as part of their agitation. The mentality sucks. In the first place how did the MLA come under the impression that just because he is an elected member of the Assembly, he can flout all rules and regulations of an institution ? On the other hand how did the nurses and the attendants come under the impression that it is within their right to evict all the patients undergoing treatment at the hospital as part of their agitation ? Everyone here seem to have forgotten the sanctity of a place called the hospital. To many the hospital is the last resting place before they breathe their last while to many others it is the place which is there to care for their ailments. Assaulting anyone within the sanctum sanctorum of a place like the hospital cannot and should not be condoned under any circumstances. Also good to note that the sanctity of a hospital also extends to the very set of people who are employed in the hospital including the nurses and the attendants.

The matter has been resolved now, but still MLA K Meghachandra should apologise to the employees of RIMS. Likewise, the employees of RIMS should apologise to the patients and their family members for causing all the hardships. This is the way to amend the follies of the past. At the same time let it be clear to all that no one is above the law and all have to abide by the rules and regulations of any institution. Moreover those in the profession of treating and looking after the sick and the ailing at the hospital need to realise the oath of their profession. Not for nothing is it said that caring for the sick and the ailing is a noble profession. Lack of respect for rules and regulations and lack of respect for the common people. This was what led to the ugly confrontation at the hospital and the only one who suffered are the patients and the sick. The MLA picked on two soft targets and the nurses and patients picked on the sick and ailing who are obviously soft targets. If what the nurses had to say is true then why did the police refuse to lodge an FIR ? This again is unacceptable. Hope the Speaker of the Assembly has taken suo motto cognizance of the issue and see what he can do as the custodian of the Assembly. In one ugly incident the image of the Assembly and a place which is there to care for the sick and the dying has been tarnished badly and this is unacceptable.


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