For Bangladeshis entering Agartala, Indian Citizenship Costs just Rs 35,000/-, Government facilitating their settlement in Tripura


It is suspected that more than 65000 Bangladeshis entered Agartala, in the last 3 years with tacit help from Government. All of them got Indian citizenship kit which has PRTC certificate, Ration Card, Voter ID card in just Rs. 35,000/-.

The report published by TripuraInfoHighway in February says the illegal migrants were issued the certificates within one day of arrival at Sardar SDM Office.

In some special cases, the Government were providing the illegal migrants with Government Jobs & other facilities in exchange of loyalty & their votes to CPI(M) during elections.

The #Bangladeshis are buying land, getting admissions on the Indian Institutes with the legal documents provided by Government illegally.

The alarming report further says, the government is involved in selecting sites for the settlement of the Bangladeshis.

Source: TIWN


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