CCpur JAC announces revised series of stirs Details till Aug 31 spelt out


E-FRONT-__-CCPUR-PROTEST-735x400IMPHAL, Aug 28: The Joint Action Committee Against Anti-Tribal Bills (JAC) has announced a revised series of stirs to be staged from today midnight to August 31.
In a statement, the JAC said that total shutdown of Churachandpur and its vicinity would begin from August 28 midnight and continue till 12 noon of August 29.
Tribal unity rally would be held under the aegis of Thadou Women’s Association, General Headquarters at Sadar Hills on the same day.
A women’s silent rally would be taken out from Churachandpur College campus at 10 am. The JAC urged the womenfolk to cover their lips with black cloth/scarf to signify the year-long suppression and neglect of tribal cries by the Government.
In the evening at 6.30, tribal people would light candles at their houses, the JAC said.
Another total shutdown at Churachandpur and its vicinity would begin from August 29 midnight and continue till 12 noon of August 30.
People would stage a protest rally from Churachandpur College campus at 10 am on August 30.
The JAC requested the rallyists to paint their faces preferably in black to signify the unrelenting and systemic exploitation and insult on tribals and their rights. Individuals with traditional gongs (zampi) are also requested to bring them along.
On the same day, JAC-AATB Singngat area would take out a protest march from Singngat to Lamka (about 34 kms), the statement said.
Candle would be lighted at all the tribal homes from 6.30 pm on this day as well, it added.
Mass prayer would be held and flying lanterns released from Sulpha Pumbuk at 6.30 pm and this would be followed by a torch rally.
The JAC requested the protesters to bring their own torches. Limited number of flying lanterns would be available at selected outlets for sale on August 29.
The JAC would clamp a total shutdown of all the institutions and establishments in all the tribal areas on August 31.
However, free passage would be given to all the private (non-commercial) vehicles, the JAC said and added that there would be no volunteers on duty on this day.
The JAC urged all the tribals to comply with the appeal to mark respect to the tribal martyrs.
Traditional gun salute and sounding of traditional gong by tribal households would be held at 9 am.
Tributes would be paid to the tribal martyrs at District Hospital morgue at 10 am and the main event of Tribal Unity Day will begin from 11 am.
A press conference would be held at Lamka Press Club after the main event. Medical emergencies, entrance exams (including the SSC’s Combined Graduate Level Tier-I Examination), pre-planned conferences, airport pick-up and drop, Treasury Department and various other essential services like electricity, telecom and media would be exempted from the purview of the shutdown.
However, relevant documents must be shown to the volunteers, the JAC added.


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