Sept 21 to be observed as Natl Repentance Day


IMPHAL, Aug 21: A discussion session held on the theme ‘Restoration Movement for Pre-Merger Political Status of Manipur’ under the aegis of CIRCA today resolved to declare and observe September 21 as the National Repentance Day.
The session held at the Manipur University Centenary Hall declared that the Merger Agreement 1949 is the core issue as the merger is the root cause of all the issues currently prevailing in Manipur.
It was agreed to urge the Government of India to restore the pre-merger political status of Manipur with a view to resolve all the prevailing conflicts in the State.
It agreed to urge the Government of India to constitute a People’s Council representing all the indigenes of Manipur as the Upper House of the existing Manipur State Legislature.
The discussion further agreed to declare and celebrate October 18 as the Manipur National Day to commemorate the first session of the (pre-merger) Manipur State Legislative Assembly by Maharaja Bodhchandra on October 18, 1948.
It also decided to urge the Government of India to consider and review the Foreigners’ Permit System that was scrapped by the then Chief Commissioner of Manipur Himmat Singh on November 18, 1950 to regulate the entry, stay and exit of all outsiders in/from Manipur.
The session further resolved to urge the Government of India to revive the Foreigner’s Department of erstwhile Manipur State to enforce the Foreigners’ Permit System.


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