Traffic control measures don’t reach many areas


E-Front-__-TrafficIMPHAL, Sep 6: There are many areas within Khwairamband where traffic control or management measures taken up by Traffic Control Police (TCP) do not reach at all.
No traffic management measures could be seen on the road running towards the West to the northern side of the footpath occupied by fruit sellers across Chamber Hospital as well as on the road touched by the first one which further leads to Alu Gali and MG Avenue.
On both sides of the two roads, large number of vehicles are seen parked throughout the day. But it does not look like normal parking of vehicles rather it looks like stacking.
In addition, a large number of rickshaws, carts, Tata Magic vans, Tata DIs and other goods carriers are also seen on the two roads.
During peak hours, a large number of vehicles coming from the side of Alu Gali go straight to either MG Avenue or take the lane that runs beside Nirmala Hotel. At the same time, rows of vehicles coming from the direction of MG Avenue go to the same lane in order to exit through the right side of the road connecting MG Avenue with Alu Gali. It is a nightmarish experience if one is caught between the streams of vehicles coming from two directions.
Although vehicles are parked on either side of the two roads, the same area was not included in the list of parking spaces allotted by Transport Department.
It is not known whether all the vehicles parked there belong to shopkeepers or they deliberately turn their area into parking spaces so as to enhance their business opportunities. Whatever is the case, neither TCP nor police are doing anything.
Commenting on The Sangai Express’ ongoing campaign on traffic management and traffic problems in Imphal city, one Gulzar Ahmad Shah of Khabeisoi suggested relaxation of checking exercises done at Porompat by police and VDF jointly.
The checking exercise is intensified during peak hours. One VDF personnel died as he met with an accident while chasing a vehicle on Honda Activa which refused to halt.
There is no harm in checking vehicles by police if there is any law and order problem. He also appealed to the security personnel deployed near Chairenthong to stop stretching their hands out for obvious reasons be-fore heavy vehicles. Gulzar further suggested painting all high speed-breakers near Sainik School and Hundred Flowers School so that they can be seen from afar.


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