Story of Mr. O. – InkTober Day 9


Jackson Meisnam Inktoberby Jackson Meisnam

So, next morning,
I took a taxi to Jagatpuri,
Street no. 1.

Gave all the evidence I’ve collected, for detailed analysis. As per the lab’s rule, we have to put the package on the basket and walk away without looking back. I mean, “Up.” We’ll get the report after 24 hours. Till then, I’ve got enough time to investigate some old Guerrillas across the street.

(About Inktober: Every October, artists all over the world take on the InkTober drawing challenge by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month.
Jake Parker created InkTober in 2009 as a challenge to improve  inking skills and develop positive drawing habits.Jackson was busy with some domestic project so couldn’t start from day 1. So he decided to join in from day 6 by drawing a story based excuse. The Story of Mr.O.)


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