Improved Production Technology of Pineapple and Khasi Mandarin


Inaugural function of three days training programme on “Improved Production Technology of Pineapple and Khasi Mandarin from 22nd -24th August, 2016 was organised by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Churachandpur, at Training hall of KVK Churachandpur under ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Imphal on 22nd August 2017. The function was graced by Shri. Thenlaljoy Gangte, Asst. Commissioner, to DC – Churachandpur as Chief Guest, Dr. Niranjan Lal, Senior Scientist and Head, KVK Churachandpur as President, Mr. I Radhacharan Singh, District Agriculture Officer, District Officer, and L B Sinate, Ex-Member, Board of Directors, National Horticulture Board as Guest of Honour, Dr. SS Roy, Scientist, ICAR Manipur as Member Secretary and Dr. SS Roy, highlighted about the programme and Project under NEC funded Project on Integrated Horticulture Including Fisheries for NEH Region in India. Shri. Thenlaljoy Gangte, appeal to the farmers that farming is the noblest job and one should be proud to be one. Farmers of Churachandpur district should take the guidance from KVK for increasing the productivity of agriculture and horticulture crop.

Dr. Niranjan Lal, on his presidential speech expressed his willingness to extend technological help to the needy farmers of Churachanpur district through KVK Churachanpur and ICAR RC for NEH Region, Manipur Centre. Shri I Radhacharan, told that it is high time that farmers of Churachandpur should focus on fruit crops to increase their livelihood and to reduced jhum cultivation. L B Sinate, highlighted on the importance of area expansion on fruit crops, simultaneously one should developed the marketing chained. Dr. P K Swarasat, told that such type of capacity building programme is very much important to reduce the gap between the farmers and the experts. The training programme was attended by 60 farmers of Churachandpur District. During the training programme lectured on demonstration on different aspects, issues and problem faced by mandarin and pineapple grower of Churachandpur will be delivered by Dr. R K Roshan, SMS Horticulture, L. Basil, Farm Manager, Dr. S Roma Devi, SMS Home Science, W. Nupendra Singh, ATM, ATMA.

This Press Release was sent by KVK Churachandpur, who can be contacted at kvkchurachandpur(at)gmail(dot)com.


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