Board exams decoded


Albert Nameirakpam
This article is for the people who want to still scored 80+ in CBSE boards but have not prepared anything till 6th of November. Introducing myself, I hate doing this but I have to do so because if people have to really follow my tips, they must first know me, so I am Albert, I was the 4th position holder of Maria in 10th scoring 90.2% and the 7th position holder in 11th. I am also the lone recipient of the Swaach Bharat Mission given to scholars who have won the Swaach Bharat Mission quiz, I have also won Manfete 2014, IT Fest 2015, Manfete 2017, runners up in Soul 2013 and also the runners up in all Singjamei Quiz 2012, I also hold the record of being part of the team that won Maria’s annual quiz event for 6 years. I left Maria in 12th and joined Hundred Flowers School, 2016 and it was one of the worst and toughest phases of my life, I was bed ridden for 6 months due to the combination of severe insomnia, severe fatigue and less eating, I lost around 17 kg reducing my weight to only 46 kg, all my relatives expected me to fail the exam, even some of my school teachers were sure that I would fail but at the end the result was that I got 82.6% with 89 marks in English, 74 in Chemistry, 80 in Geography. This article will be very helpful to you if you didn’t study at all till now.

How did I reverse it?
It was all about smart preparation, after recovering from the disease, I had roughly about 2 months, I also feared what the society will judge me if I got failed, and since my brother and sister were both toppers in their respective fields, the pressure was very big. I started my preparations from the 7th of December, the first thing I did was to read the NCERT multiples time, there were times when I read the NCERT almost 20 times a day, then with the help of my Chemistry teacher, Sir Bijel I went on practicing the previous year papers, all the teachers of my school and coaching were really helpful. I mentioned earlier that I was a consistent topper and have been topping since Class 4 in Maria, that meant that my basics were very clear.

The 2-month plan:
Bio – only NCERT, inhuman as it sounds, reduce yourself to NCERT. Practice previous year paper.
Chemistry- you need a good teacher and nothing else. Same plan, go for NCERT and previous year paper.
Inorganic – JD Lee, organic-Morrission and Boyd, physical-Atkins.
These books will clear your basics which is very needed in the time of the exam.
English- I had a really good teacher called Sir Prasanta which really cleared my concepts and I had no problem in it. If you don’t have, don’t worry just read up the NCERT multiple times.
Physics- not a fan, was weak in the subject, only wanted to get 30+, did NCERT and some previous year paper.
Geography- my favourite subject, practice NCERT and all of the 30 year papers. Read basics of geography by Loyd and Loyd.
Most of the people tend to ignore NCERT and that is the main problem.

How long did I prepare?
I prepared for hardly 2 months, did 10-12 hours of studying everyday, the fear of failure motivated me very much. I would like to thank my teachers for inspiring me.
I went through the hardest period of my life, wanted to even end my life but here I am now, with a good score in boards and an offer from Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati for summer internship. After all the suffering, I also managed to be part of the team that won Manfete 2017, where I got Rs 2000 scholarship.

I also managed to crack NEET in my first attempt but with a very low rank, I got around 5 private colleges. With this article, I want to prove that everything is possible, even in 2 months.

All the best students.

Source: The Sangai Express


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