QUEEN MARY’s New Crown – Mary Kom – Boxing Bronze Medal – 2012 London Olympics


“QUEEN MARY’s New Crown”

Cartoonist’s note:
In September 2010, when MC Mary Kom returned after winning her 5th World Championship title, some young friends of mine had presented her a caricature, wherein she was shown as wearing 5 golden crowns, each crown depicting her WC title. The caricature was captioned “QUEEN MARY- Our Pride”. I have its autographed copy too. That caricature had elicited some appreciation from my friends. In response, I had commented that it would be a great honour for me to draw the sixth and most coveted crown – an Olympics gold medal.

Since, then I have been eagerly waiting for the moment when she ascends the podium to receive the yellow medal. Unfortunately, she could not go beyond the semi-final at the London Olympics 2012 and had to settle for a bronze medal. But that too is no lesser achievement, considering the immense hardship she went through to reach the London arena. Today, it is a great honour for me to draw the sixth crown on her head. This cartoon is dedicated to the resilience and determination of one of the greatest sporting icons of our country – Mary Kom. Truly, she is the “Queen of Boxing Ring”.

Related news item:
August 8: Mary Kom brings home Olympic bronze: https://kanglaonline.in/?p=39381

Credit: Manas Maisnam
Posted: 2012-08-08


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