Statement on Manipur State Cabinet views


Dated Tahamzam, 9th February, 2013

It has been reported that the Manipur State Cabinet has taken serious note of the speech of Neiphiu Rio, the Chief Minister of Nagaland wherein the latter was described as one of the greatest enemies of the Nagas. In this connection, we would like to place the following facts of Ibobi and his Government to set the record straight –

1. Denial of the right to proportional representation of the tribals by rejecting census figures of 2001.
2. Imposition of alien laws/systems such as the farcical Manipur (Hill Areas) Autonomous District Council Act 2008, Manipur (Village Authority) in Hill Areas Act 1956 etc.
3. Land alienation of tribals under Manipur Land Revenue & Land Reforms Act 1960.
4. Opposing peace by violently objecting to the Indo-Naga Cease-fire in Manipur.
5. Ban on Peace Tour of Th. Muivah, Naga leader and principal negotiator to Naga areas in Manipur.
6. Systematic state violence against the Nagas as exemplified by the response of the GoM to the peace rally against police brutality at Mao Gate on 6th May 2010 where two students were shot dead and hundreds injured from indiscriminate firings, properties looted and destroyed, mass scale atrocities committed and warlike situation created in Naga areas.
7. Issue of arrest warrants and fixing of price tags on Naga leaders for spearheading people’s movement against suppression and deprivation of rights.
8. Imposition of Meiteilon and Meitei script upon the tribals in educational institutions.
9. Deprivation of service quota and violation of promotion rules in government services to disadvantage tribals.
10. Imphal centric governance and administration; and concentration of all infrastructures and facilities in Imphal valley resulting in the denial of access to basic services and amenities, such as healthcare, education, communication etc. to Nagas and tribals in the hills of Manipur.
11. Militarization of Naga areas and continuous imposition of Disturbed Areas Act and Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act 1958 in hill areas where there is peace. On the other hand lifting of Disturbed Areas Act from greater Imphal where more than 20 underground groups are actively operating.
12. Ibobi refused to allow Neiphiu Rio, Chief Minister of Nagaland to visit Senapati to grace the launching of the NPF on 28 may, 2011 which is perfectly legal and democratic.
13. Ibobi’s cabinet had series of meeting, had discussion in the state Assembly, convened an all political party meeting and sent delegation to Delhi over the 18th Dec, 2012 Momoko assault incident. The assault of 13 students and attempt to rape of Naga girl at Napetpali on 24th dec, 2012 by cadres of KCP(CM) and killing of 2 innocent Kongkan villagers by the UNLF on 28th Dec, 2012 did not merit any attention from the State Government. During the indefinite bandh in Imphal valley with effect from midnight of 21st December, 2012 the Nagas, tribals and Christians who were stranded there were subjected to torture and humiliation under the very nose of Ibobi. Nagas and tribals proceeding for Christmas celebration to their respective villages were attacked in more severe forms. On 25th December 2012 evening the Rongmei Naga Baptist Church at Lamphel, Imphal was attacked and almost burned down. All these and many more took place under the security of the Ibobis’ communal Government.
14. The Manipur Chief Minister, Ministers, MLAs, political party leaders and leaders of civil society from the valley have openly threatened bloodshed & civil war in public platforms if the interest of the communal forces in the valley are not conceded to.
The above are reported facts that have already been brought out in the public domain. It is for the public to judge whether the remarks of Neiphiu Rio was communal. He spoke for the people who were not being heard. It will also be clear from the above who is to be booked under the IPC.

Publicity Wing
United Naga Council


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