AR personnel injured in IED explosion


IMPHAL, Aug 26: A havildar of the 3 Assam Rifles was hit by splinters during an Improvised Explosive Device attack this morning around 6:15 at Old Somtal, Chandel district along the Indo-Myanmar border.

The injured has been identified as havildar no 35578A Jagdish Chander, 49.

He was hit by splinters on the left side of his neck and leg.

Sources informed the IFP that the Assam Rifles team under attack had opened a post in the nearby Sahlon hills and belongs to the D Coy of the 3 Assam Rifles.

It is also learnt that the IED which was already planted exploded as the AR team in a Road Opening Patrol was approaching along the Inter Village Road on the western side of their post.

The injured havildar was shifted around 9:55 am in a helicopter to the military hospital in Leimakhong and is said to be out of danger.

Meanwhile, no militant outfit has claimed responsibility of the attack.


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