Lawyers core committee discusses ILP implementation in Manipur


IMPHAL, August 22: The recently formed core committee of the Manipur High Court Bar Association met today at its conference hall to discuss the possibilities of framing an Act similar to the Eastern Bengal Regulation Act, 1873.

The committee comprising of nine senior advocates of the association including chairman senior advocate N Kumarjit also discussed other acts which is akin to the Inner Line Permit System.

The core committee was formed after the All-political party committee set up in connection with the ILP issue had seek legal opinion on the issue.

The all political party committee was set up after a meeting at the Chief Minister’s bungalow on August 6 to discuss the legalities of instituting the ILP system and exploring other possibilities.

The second meeting of the all-party committe was held on August 9 at the office chamber of Gaikhangam and had resolved to seek advice of legal luminaries to advise the committee on ILPS.

The third round of the committee will be held on August 28 and will be attended by lawyers and scholars from Manipur University, according to a reliable source.

Meanwhile, the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System has said it will continue its movement demanding implementation of the ILPS in the State today until the demand is met.

In a press release it has demanded the government to clarify on the experts it has chosen from Manipur University and the legal experts to advise the All-political party committee.


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