Any disturbance to peace would be appropriately dealt with: DoNER minister



Doner Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh
Doner Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh

IMPHAL, June 11: `I would rather prefer to concentrate on restoration and maintenance of peace and boost the dreams of the Centre to bring development in North East India, but if there is any element which tends to disturb the peace it would be appropriately dealt with` Union Minister for Development of North Eastern Region, Dr Jitendra Singh said referring to the June 4 ambush and the post ambush operation by Indian Army.

Addressing media persons at a press briefing today at the Old Secretariat, Dr Jitendra Singh said the Centre will always stand for the region through thick and thin and the people need to be confident that that the Centre is there to ensure peace and development in the region.

He also appealed to the people not to get disturbed or discouraged by such incident.

Dr Jitendra said the government will bring NE at par with the rest of the country which is precisely the objective of his visit.

The Minister, who is also the ex officio chairperson of North Eastern Council informed media that his visit is also to reassure the people of the State and NE that the development for the region is very high on the agenda of the present Central government.

He further stated, `We are here to commit ourselves to contribute whatever we can to ensure that there is peace and tranquility in the State which will be compatible with the optimum growth in the regions.`

Answering whether the govt would like to restore the truce pact abrogated with NSCN (K) if the arm groups is willing, the minister said that he would not like to get into the discussion personally as there are certain sensitive areas in the issue.

However, regarding post-ambush covert operations, he said Indian security forces have to and will appropriately deal with it with an object to restore peace and not to deviate from the agenda of development for the NE.

He said the `Act East Policy`™ and the `Make in Manipur`™ policy will continue and such incidence as the June 4 ambush should not be allowed to interfere and disturb the developmental schemes.

Dr Jitendra who had soon after his arrival in the State capital met the Chief Minister, said he had discussed the developmental initiatives taken up in the State by the Centre during his meeting with the Chief Minister.

He also said that he is very glad and satisfied as the CM also subscribes to the view that the people of the State and the people of North East are in fact fed up of violence and the recurrent disturbances in the environment which have deprive them of enormous benefits being enjoyed by the mainstream India.

The Centre`™s plan for development in NE can be accomplish only with close coordination between the State and the Centre, he said adding that the Centre is ready to provide whatever assistance is needed by the State government.

He said other interests of his visit are to speed up the proposed works for the Impha-Silchar road, commissioning the Thoubal Power project which plans to cater 18 hours of consistent power supply even in the remotest areas of the State and the issue of Sports University.


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