Robinhood`s funeral on Sept 3; schools to re-open soon


IMPHAL, September 1: The Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System today met with State government representatives and signed an agreement to translate certain provisions of the August 25 agreement between the two sides into action.

The two sides agreed to perform the funeral rites of (L) Sapam Robinhood on September 3, re-open the educational institutions after the last funeral rites of (L) Sapam Robinhood is performed, unconditional release of all persons under detention relating to the movement on ILPS and the government to provide financial assistance to all persons who are injured or inflicted during the course of movement.

The two sides also resolved to construct a complex at the place where the funeral rites of Robinhood is performed and that the government will provide all financial and logistic support in the development of the complex and that no person involved/ related to the movement on ILPS will be victimised.

It was also agreed that `In consequence to the accomplishment of the Agreements on the last Funeral Rites of Late S Robinhood and the unconditional release of all persons under detention relating to the movement on ILPS, all forms of agitation shall remain suspended.`

The agreement was signed by special secretary (Home) M Yaishkul Meitei representing the government and convenor in charge JCILPS Kh Ratan Singh and JAC ABK of S Robinhood chairman Ch Hemchand representing the JCILPS and the JAC formed in connection with the death of Robinhood.

The agreement was signed inside the CM Bungalow. The meeting began at around 2:45 pm and concluded around 6pm.


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