PCRM for a ‘Resurgent’ Manipur


People’s Campaign for Resurgent Manipur (PCRM) aims to fight against the private and vested interests that seek to undermine the basic fabric of a collective life in Manipur and bring about a new political culture wherein public morality and issues of public importance play significant role in our society and polity.

A little about PCRM
PCRM is a group of citizens of and from Manipur who are concerned with the prevailing state of affairs in our state and thereby seeking a change towards a new and better Manipur wherein the people—as collective and individuals—can live with dignity and well-being. The campaign seeks to fight against the private and vested interests that seek to undermine the basic fabric of a collective life in Manipur and bring about a new political culture wherein public morality and issues of public importance play significant role in our society and polity

Aims and Objectives of the Campaign
This Campaign is to:
fight against the private and vested interests that seek to undermine the basic fabric of a collective life in Manipur and
bring about a new political culture wherein public morality and issues of public importance play significant role in our society and polity
Correspondingly, the Campaign seeks to:
cultivate a culture of dialogue and debates in order to generate informed opinions and choices on public issues and
make the political class, public institutions and leaders accountable to the citizens as individuals and as a collective;
In pursuance of the above aims, the Campaign seeks to:
encourage and cultivate the involvement of private citizens in the affairs of the collective, and
engage and monitor the functioning of public offices and institutions as well as the ways in which public officials and elected representatives of the people respond to or address the issues of public importance.

Who initiated this Campaign?
This Campaign has been initiated by a group of citizens—mainly, professionals, students, youths — of and from Manipur who are concerned with the prevailing state of affairs in our beloved state and thereby seeking a change towards a new and better Manipur wherein the people—as collective and individuals—can live with dignity and well-being.

However, those who have initiated the Campaign are only the facilitators and co-participants of a process for a resurgent Manipur. The Campaign is fundamentally all about self initiative and involvement of each and every citizen of Manipur to bring about a change in the affairs of our beloved state. Thus, it is, and has to be, a Campaign of the citizens, for the citizens and by the citizens.

Source: Resurgent Manipur
Website: http://resurgentmanipur.org


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