Talks nearing logical conclusion : NSCN (IM)


DIMAPUR, May 9 : The NSCN-IM has stated today that “in the midst of tantrum created by people and organizations averse to reaching an honorable political solution with India, the NSCN once again assures the people that the Indo-Naga political talks is nearing its logical conclusions”.

In a statement the NSCN-IM said that through the series of political negotiations, India has recognized the uniqueness of the history of the Nagas and cultures and Nagas were independent before the arrival of the British.

“Only part of Nagalim was conquered by British. There are no merger agreement between the Nagas and India. India invaded Nagalim and set up arbitrary boundaries and divided the Nagas without their consents. Nagas are racially and culturally different from India. As of now the Nagas have agreed to co-exist together under Shared Sovereignty. The ongoing Indo – Naga Political talks is at a fast pace and progressing smoothly,” the statement added.
Talking on the Shillong Accord and its impact, the NSCN-IM said that “nobody can deny that, there is only one Shillong Accord and there are no Series of Shillong Accords in the political history of the Naga National movements for self determinations”. It stated that the only and the most treacherous Shillong Accord was signed on November 11,1975 at Shillong between the NNC/FGN and Govt of India represented by former Governor, LPSingh.

“Through this very treacherous Accord signed in 1975 with India, the NNC/FGN surrendered to Govt of India along with all the weapons and accepted the Constitution of India, unconditionally. Hence, it is not deniable that, those who were part of the NNC/FGN are already Indians by their own volitions and consents and they are traitors of Naga National movement. The NNC/FGN had committed the most severe act of betrayal and charging them of highest treasons is fully justified. The signing of the Shillong Accord by the NNC/FGN is the greatest political blunder ever committed against Naga Nation. They have forfeited their rights to talk about Naga political issues and cannot represent the Nagas at any level,” the statement said. The NSCN-IM claimed that it had overcome a series of treacherous and deadly onslaughts which were meticulously pre-planned and perpetrated against it by the traitors of Naga Nation. “However, God had not failed to protect the Nagas under the visionary and dynamic leaderships of former Yaruiwo, Lt Isak Chishi Swu and Ato Kilonser, Th Muivah.” it added.

“The younger Naga generations are fortunate enough that, the Nagas’ sovereign rights are being recognized by India. The acceptance of the Nagas as a unique people and as with equal status and as a separate entity with sovereign rights is the biggest and highest political achievement the Nagas had ever attained. The Framework Agreement ensuring for peaceful coexistence between the Nagas and India with shared Sovereignty will surely usher in peace and brighter political era for the Nagas,” it stated. The NSCN-IM said that it is not deniable that, reaching the final stage of political negotiations with India, resulting in the signing of the Framework Agreement has utterly surprised and had discouraged some political organizations. “The adversaries of the NSCN have realized the realities of their own positions, a ship without the oars and the mast. The current political achievement of the Nagas led by the NSCN had persevered through difficult roads and had signed the most cherished political agreement by which it will restore the pride and safeguard the rights of each and every Naga wherever they are,” it said.

Source: The Sangai Express


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