Career Counselling for Bishnupur students held


BISHNUPUR, JUNE 21: Students of Greater Bishnupur on Wednesday (June 21) were for the first time introduced to John L. Holland’s SDS (Self-Directed-Search) for self assessment with regard to finding ways and means to discover their chosen professions and careers in future. This was part of an interactive session “Correct Decision Making for Career” organised by the Citizens Development Forum, (CDF) Bishnupur for the standard X, XI, XII students.

The resource-person for the interactive session was Oinam Anuradha, a professional career counsellor under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. During the three part sessions, Anuradha gave a brief talk of what is career counselling and explained as to why students need counselling using the latest available methods and parameters. The session which was well attended by around 200 students from Loyala School, Bishnupur, Modern Higher Secondary School, TG English School and others.

During the session, the students underwent self-assessment using the SDS method and their own results were discussed in brief. While giving valuable advice for opting a successful career in future, the resource-person stressed on the need to “discover the self first” and assessing one’s own strength and weaknesses.

Students who were also curious about the vast professional and occupational options available in changing word also had a chance to ask relevant questions to the resource person. The three part session was divided into – case study, discussion on steps involved in planning a career and multiple intelligence assessment and career options.

Towards the end of the session, participating students not only learnt the techniques of discovering themselves but also overcoming their social and political anxieties as they freely expressed their aims and objectives in life. The interactive session ended with a vote of thanks by the CDF Vice President Chingakham Shyam followed by light refreshment and group photo session.

This Press Release was sent by Naorem Columbus Singh, who is the General Secretary of
Citizens Development Forum, and can be contacted at naorem345(at)gmail(dot)com.


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