Naga American Foundation Mourns the Death of Dr. Aryo Shishak


The Naga American Foundation mourns the death of Dr. Aryo Shishak, who passed away in Dover, New Jersey, in the United States on September 24, 2017. Dr. Shishak, or “Uncle Aryo,” as many affectionately knew him, was a pillar of the Naga community in the United States.

Dr. Shishak was one of few early Nagas to settle in the US, and along with several others, was instrumental in forming the Naga American Foundation (NAF), an organization that seeks to advance and promote the common interests of Naga people in the country. In 1989, Dr. Shishak and his wife Ngano hosted the first large Naga gathering in the United States at their home in Milford, Pennsylvania, beginning what would become a biennial tradition of families hosting NAF gatherings and conferences around the country. Dr. Shishak also served as president of the NAF from 2003 to 2007 and was also formerly on its board of directors.

For decades, as a pioneer, leader, and friend, Dr. Shishak has been of great importance to the Naga community in the United States. His sincerity of character and his genuine care and concern for individuals, regardless of backgrounds or tribal affiliations, will truly be missed. As members of a small but widespread Naga diaspora, many of us have gone through the many challenges of adjusting to new cultures and different ways of life. Throughout this process, Dr. Shishak, in genuine Naga fashion, was a source of support and wisdom for us as individuals and as a community, and for this we are grateful.

At this time, as his family arranges for a private burial, we humbly offer our heartfelt prayers and condolences to Dr. Shishak’s wife, Aunty Ngano, and his children, Lei and Zing, as well as to the rest of their extended family. It is our hope that our faith and trust in God will provide the family with guidance and a deep sense of peace at this time.

This Press Release was sent by Justin Aier, who is the Secretary of Naga American Foundation, who can be contacted at info(at)nafconnet(dot)net.


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