Present crisis a blessing for NPF: MLA


Mokokchung, September 18: DAN Chairman and NPF Legislature party leader, Kuzholuzo Nienu MLA, termed the present crisis within the NPF party as a ‘blessing in disguise’ giving opportunity to the party to “segregate the sheep from the wolves” and that the time has come for the NPF Party to select the best leaders who are endowed with honesty, integrity, and uprightness with principles.

Addressing the mammoth gathering here at Mokokchung Town Hall during the NPF Mokokchung Division General Meeting, MLA Nienu asserted that the present Government led by TR Zeliang as “multi-dimensional corrupt government.”
“The public expect development from the government but Zeliang-led party-less
government is obligated towards corruption,” he said.

The DAN Chairman also said that with the recent development within the party, the NPF party has finally freed itself from anti-incumbency factors and now owes no obligations towards any individual whatsoever.

As the NPF party has become free from all these destructive elements, the party is now in a position to allocate party tickets to the best winnable candidates without any fear or favour in the forth-coming general elections, he added.

Alleging that the unconstitutional ministry of TR Zeliang will not be able to go beyond October as all the forces are working against them such as the “matter of Office of Profit, Disqualification case, CBI enquiry on Pillai’s scandal, Fuel Adulteration and PDS scams just to name a few,” Nienu said that the present ministry cannot survive.

Referring to the peace process, the DAN Chairman said that any final agreement that is arrived at should be “inclusive, honourable and acceptable to all the Naga people.”
However, the MLA maintained that if any settlement is yet to arrive, the NPF party should fully gear up and prepare for the coming election for the welfare of the Naga people.
The NPF Legialture party leader also echoed that the NPF will opt for younger and capable candidates and set up women candidates as well.

Spokesperson of the NPF Legislature party Yitachu, MLA, in his address alleged that the BJP at the Centre is desperate to install a BJP government in Nagaland as “our state is a Christian state so that the BJP can propagate the world that is tolerant of every religion.”
However, their dreams to hijack the NPF government to BJP can never be fulfilled as the Naga people can never be taken for a ride with their motive, he asserted.
The Naga people have given their mandate to the NPF, Yitachu said adding that the Naga people can never “sell their mandate to the BJP.”

Terming the TR government as “surviving only through corruption,” Yitachu said that the “present government can never survive in the eye of the law.”
On chief whip issue, Yitachu maintained that if the court can recognise the TR whip, the 10 MLAs are ready to face disqualification anytime.

However, law will take its own course of action at the right time and warned the 36 MLAs who voted against the Kiyanilie whip to face the consequences, he said.
He also urged upon the party workers not to be controlled by the MLAs since “it is the party which gave birth to the MLAs.”

He also called upon the party workers to have a clear decision whether they will issue party tickets to the dissident MLAs or to field new candidates for the coming election.
Famers Wing President, Lanukaba who also spoke on the occasion stressed the need for “people’s movement to revive the party and bring new leaders who can truly work for the people and not for themselves.”

Ex MLA, Asu Kheyho in his speech stated that NPF is the only party for the Nagas to preserve their identity.

“The NPF party is the only party which can represent the nationality of the Nagas to the mainland and to the outside world,” he added.

Later, the Mokokchung division also adopted five-point resolutions during the occasion.
It resolved to give a clarion call to the misled and misguided friends of the division to mend ways and come back home to the rightful owners of the NPF party. The division saluted the resolve and determination of the 12 MLAs for their absolute support and dedication to the party and its rank and file.

It resolved to forward candidates to the people of the district to elect as leaders in the coming election.

The division also resolved to proactively support the Indo-Naga political settlement on a mutually-acceptable term, and also to stand by the leadership of the upright leader Dr. Shurhozelie Liezietsu, President NPF Central and Kuzholuzo Nienu MLA incharge of the Mokokchung division.

Earlier, Apong Pongerner, working president gave an oath-taking to the newly inducted AC office bearers under Mokokchung division.

Issued by
Media & Press Bureau, Central Headquarters,
Kohima: Nagaland

This Press Release was sent by NPF Bureau, who can be contacted at npfpressbureau(at)rediffmail(dot)com.


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