Press Release issued by Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC)



The failure of Shri. Neiphiu Rio, the Chief Minister of Nagaland to attend the 57th National Development Council (NDC) meeting on 28th December 2012 at New Delhi was very unfortunate for the people of Nagaland. All the Chief Ministers of the States, except Nagaland Chief Minister, had presented their respective State’s plan for the 12th Five Year Plan (FYP). The casual attitude of the Chief Minister was detrimental for the economic growth of the State. The presentation of Shri. T.R. Zeliang Planning Minister on behalf of the Chief Minister stating that “by and large Nagaland had achieved the targets of the 11th five year plan was a blatant lie. Earlier on December 1, 2012, the Business Standard report had clearly stated that Nagaland had achieved just 6.2% growth against the target of 9.3% in 11th FYP which was the lowest in the whole of Northeastern States. While other NE States had confidently projected their targets above the national average of 8% for the 12th FYP, Nagaland State had failed to set the target.

The NPF government headed by Shri. Neiphiu Rio will demit office very soon leaving the State’s economy in shambles. His absence in NDC annual meeting showed that Nagaland’s economic growth was not his priority anymore. The NPF government will not return to power and therefore they have no more economic plan for the State in the 12th FYP. In Nagaland, with over 70% of the population engaged in agriculture, the growth target largely depends on this primary sector. However under NPF government, it contributed a dismal 19% only to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 11th FYP. The contributions from secondary and tertiary sectors like industries, road constructions, electricity and water supplies were even more pathetic. The tall claim of NPF government’s development achievement in secondary and tertiary sectors had nil returns in revenue that had contributed to 6.2% growth rate in 11th FYP. Corruption had eaten to the foundation of the State’s economy. The NPF government had over-spent the State’s wealth on over-eating and merry-making.

The people of Nagaland deserve good roads, sufficient power supply for industrial and domestic activities, employment opportunities for the youths, etc. to propel the State in economic growth. The NPF has no vision and economic road-map for the Nagas.

The NPF government had failed to bear the burden of the people. The NPF government is reviving and promoting idolatry. Since the NPF government has been fully engrossed in ungodly pursuits, they have even objected to the involvement of the Church in politics. Church is an embodiment of purity but they don’t want purity. The only “hard politics” is the truth. If the NPF felt that the Church should not take part in hard politics, the understanding was badly misplaced but understandable, giving the corrupt nature of NPF government. They did not want the truth from the Church. “Democracy is by the people”; which means, participation by the people. If being a member of the Church is a disqualification to participate, it is a deprivation of the fundamental right of an individual. The members of the Church too have equal rights as democratic citizens to participate in deciding the political course of its people. The only caution that the Church needs to exercise is not to share the sins of mis-governance. The Church was expected to admonish the pagan government.

The NPF government in Nagaland has become a tyranny. It has no heart for the people. It had served a handful of coterie only. Under NPF government, justice had evaded the people of Nagaland. The forced retirement of the government employees, the backdoor appointments, the failure to implement the appointment of graduate and undergraduate teachers, the failure to implement the schemes under the year of entrepreneurs, etc. were the harsh reminders of injustice dispensed by the NPF government.
With the DAN legislators refusing to step down before the solution, election 2013 is imminent as scheduled. Free and fair election alone will bring justice. The Congress party, if voted to power, is committed to provide a God-fearing, responsible government.



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