Press Release – Adil Hussain supports freedom of artists at launch of NorthEast India Travel Guide


Press Release
Adil Hussain supports freedom of artists at launch of NorthEast India Travel Guide

Guwahati 19 April 2013: Eminent actor Adil Hussain today appealed to rise above linguistic differences and avoid imposing dictating terms to artists at different points by different organisations in the state. In reference to the ULFA demanding artists to refrain from performing Hindi songs at Bihu functions, Adil Hussain said that rather than the language, it is the content of the song that separates a good song from a bad one. He also appealed to the ULFA to reconsider their demand, and work towards the larger cause of upliftment of the people during an event to launch the ‘Northeast India Travel Guide’ today at Guwahati Press Club.

Press Release - Adil Hussain supports freedom of artists at launch of NorthEast India Travel Guide
Press Release – Adil Hussain supports freedom of artists at launch of NorthEast India Travel Guide

Adil Hussain today formally unveiled the ‘Northeast India Travel Guide’ in presence of media and other guests along with Tanushree Hazarika, Managing Director and Gaurav Gogoi, Director, Eclectic Publications. Sharing his experience and requirement of the much needed travel guide Adil Hussain said “It has happened to me many a time in the past that when my friends from outside want to visit Assam, I am usually at a loss to tell them where to go and what to do. There was no tangible source available to me so I could recommend my friends from outside the state and out of the country the best places to see and provide tips on food and lodging. So, the launch of this travel guide is a big boost for people who want to experience the beauty of the Northeast but are unable to do so because of the lack of information provided to them. I want to congratulate the Eclectic group on the great endeavour that they have undertaken into the making of this travel guide”.

Northeast India’s premier publication house, Eclectic Publications, had undertaken thorough research among travellers to the region over a year and on the basis of responses from the industry associations, 20 such destinations have been selected and complied in the form of ‘Northeast India Travel Guide’.These destinations were selected keeping in mind the diversity they can offer and representative value of the region. The travel guide is very descriptive with photographs, travel and accommodation details of each place to support travellers.The travel guide also includes off beat destinations like Jatinga in Assam and Keibul Lamjao in Manipur.

Press Release - Adil Hussain supports freedom of artists at launch of NorthEast India Travel Guide
Press Release – Adil Hussain supports freedom of artists at launch of NorthEast India Travel Guide

Tanushree Hazarika and Gaurav Gogoi welcomed the guests for their august presence and support towards the effort to push tourism industry of the region. The travel guide is expected to fill the vacuum of information plaguing national and international tourists.

Eclectic Publications is taking special care to make sure the travel guide reaches the target audience. It will be distributed among leading travel agencies of India, embassies in India and Indian missions abroad, and state and central government departments. It will also be available for retail sales through online shopping sites and book retailers & distributors.

The event was organised by Tattva Creations, a leading event and marketing communications agency based in Guwahati.

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