`CBSE provides opportunity to secure the highest percentage`


KANGPOKPI, December 17: To get admission in a reputed college in the country one has to be very well qualified and obtain the best percentage in the HSLC and secondary level exam, said DK Thangboi Haokip, addl deputy commissioner Kangpokpi before adding that the Central Board of Secondary Education provides the students with opportunities to secure the highest percentage in the examination.

DK Thangboi Haokip was speaking at the Result Declaration and Prizes Distribution Program of the JN Public School, Kangpokpi, only educational institution affiliated to CBSE within Sadar Hills so far.

The program was attended by DK Thangboi Haokip and Haokholun Chongloi, secretary Kangpokpi Town Committee as chief guest and guest of honour respectively.

The ADC Kangpokpi continued that Kangpokpi was once well known for producing good scholars, educationists, top government officers like IAS, IPS etc.; but the number of such students have drastically come down now, he added.

This is mainly because of the non-availability of good educational institutions in the town, added DK Thangboi.

“Learning is a life-long process and education is not only the text book that students study in their schools but it is everything the child learns from their birth to death”, asserted DK Thangboi while adding that parents need to give attention to their wards from the first day of their school to the last day to keep in touch with the teachers as well as the child’s development.

Haokholun Chongloi while lauding the managing committee of JNPS said that having CBSE affiliated educational institution in Kangpokpi is a right time, right opportunity and a right track to a right education.

Secretary JNPS Doulet Khongsai said competition makes a man develop in every field before adding that JNPS with the coming of new-year will changes the education system totally with the new syllabus and structure of CBSE under various new teaching techniques.

The school Annual Sports prizes distribution and declaration of toppers in all classes for the year 2013 followed by distributing prizes to the toppers as well as declaration of Best Student of the year marked the function.

Green house has been declared over-all champion in the School Annual Sports Meet while Miss Christina of Class VI has been conferred Best Student of the year 2013.

A big love feast has been served to all students and parents, invitees and everyone who attended the program.


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