Three day arts and crafts fest opens at Khongman


IMPHAL, February 4: The Three day Sharma Arts and Crafts House (SACH) Festival opened on Tuesday as part of its 42nd foundation day.

The opening day of the fest, held at the SACH Complex in Khongman, was attended by Vice-Chancellor, Manipur University Prof H Nandakumar Sharma as the chief guest and Commissioner Arts and Culture Dr RK Nimai as the president.

In his inaugural speech Managing Director SACH B Bonomali Sharma said, “All the artists in the state instead of working alone should form a collective wherein they gather all their works of arts and craft, and promote it for their own benefit in the future. Artists shouldn’t shy away from discussing their art with senior artists to develop even more in the future.”

Addressing at the event, Professor Nandakumar said: “The various works of art on display made by different artists in so many different designs look beautiful. I believe that they will outperform themselves by coming up with even better works of art with different ideas in the future. Artists not only in the state but within India and without should bring forth newer and better ideas all the time.

He also suggested that artists should join hands to work even better with more creative ideas in the future.


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