“Garbage cleaned only during VVIPS visit”


IMPHAL, May 22: The International Day for Biological Diversity, organised by Directorate of Environment, Government of Manipur, under the theme “Island Biodiversity” was observed today at Maharaja Chandrakirti Auditorium Hall.

At the outset of the function, the objective of observing May 22 as the “International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB)” the world over was highlighted because it was on this day that the United Nations proclaimed in December 2000 its aim to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues.

The theme is chosen this year because the islands and their surrounding near-shore marine areas constitute unique ecosystems often comprising many plant and animal species that are endemic on earth. The legacy of a unique evolutionary history these ecosystems are irreplaceable treasures.

During the function, Surchandra who work for the preservation of endangered indigenous fishes, P Devkanta, working for the cultivation of indigenous paddy, and T Nandababu, an organic farmer were felicitated.

The sanction letters for National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) 2013-14 was also distributed to 328 applicants from nine district of the state, selected by Ministry of Environment and Forest out of 600 applicants from various NGOs, schools, colleges and other organisations of the state to organise awareness campaign in various place of the state.

Speaking at the observance, chief secretary, PC Lawmukunga said that many talks and awareness drives are carried out for the safeguard and protection of nature but we could achieve what we wanted due to some difficulties.

Nowadays, a lot of changes occur such as climatic change, depletion of ozone layer, depletion of drinkable water which is making it harder for human beings to survive and human beings are responsible for it, he said, adding that the depletion of ozone layer is due to reliance of human beings to various electronic appliances such as AC, refrigerator etc, which need to be reduced of.

He continued that the fluctuation of water levels in dams are due to cutting of trees and other plants especially in the hills, adding that if no preventive steps are taken we will be facing various problems in the future.

Various areas are dirty and stink to the high heavens in Imphal due to dumping of garbage. However, such garbage is not clean up properly and clean up only during the time of the visits of President, Prime Minister or VVIP from outside the state. It is our duty to preserve nature and there is a need to go in hand for the preservation and safeguard of nature, he stated.

Director, Department of Environment, Dr M Homeshwore Singh said that people have witnessed the gradual vanishing of endangered or extinct species which need to be discussed to save and preserved them.

For the preservation of endangered biodiversity, there is a need to conduct field studies which will give more benefits in preserving it. The biodiversity which got threatened by having relations with humans needs to be preserved by work hard of humans and we should fight to preserve and save biodiversity at any cost, he said.


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