MU adopts amended central admission reservation norms


The Manipur University will now adopt the Central Educational Institution (Reservation in Admission) Act 2006, as amended in 2012, with immediate effect, implementing 31 per cent for ST, 2 per cent for SC and 17 per cent for OBC.

The vice-chancellor of the university Adya Prasad Pandey and Registrar Th. Shymkesho today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with representatives of All Tribal Students Union, Manipur, Democratic Students Alliance of Manipur, All Naga Students Association, Manipur and Kuki Students Organisation this evening at vice-chancellors conference hall.

“Superseding the Academic Council resolution taken on October 8, Manipur University agrees to strictly adhere to the Central Educational Institution (Reservation in Admission) Act 2006, (As Amended in 2012) with immediate effect i.e., November 7 until and unless the Honourable High Court of Manipur order dated 1.9.2015…is set aside by a competent authority,” the MoU said.

Further it was agreed to uphold the Writ Petition (C) No. 855 dated October 26 until it is altered or the Central Educational Institutions (Reservation of Admission) Act 2012 is further amended to avoid ambiguity in the matter, the percentages in admission will hence be 31 per cent for ST, 2 per cent for SC and 17 per cent for OBC of the total intake in all departments.

Both sides agreed to extend the last date for admission till November 14 and to declare the deficit list of ST seats to meet 31 per cent of the total intake for the academic session 2016-17 shortly.

However, in the interest of the student community, the admission process carried out for the academic session 2016-17 shall not be cancelled.

Earlier today the tripartite meeting between the State government, Manipur University (MU) authority and representatives of ATSUM was held.

The meeting chaired by Chief Minister, O Ibobi Singh was convened at 10 am at the cabinet room of CM Secretariat. The meeting was also attended by ministers, MU VC Adya Prasad Pandey and his team.

All issues related to the current imbroglio regarding admission to Manipur University (MU) were discussed, sources said.

The sources further revealed that the meeting decided that the VC will initiate necessary steps to redress the grievances of the student community and ensure adherence to rule of law as put forward by ATSUM.

The meeting reportedly resolved that all necessary support required by the university authority to resolve the discussed issues will be provided by the state government.

Source: Imphal Free Press


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