Shyamkumar served show cause notice

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IMPHAL, Mar 17: Congress party has served a show cause notice to its MLA Th Shyamkumar on Wednesday who had been inducted into the Council of Ministers of the new Government led by BJP.
As per rules of Congress party, due disciplinary may be initiated against Th Shyamkumar within 15 days, informed a source.
Meanwhile, ex-Chief Minister O Ibobi has stated that they would take up necessary action against Th Shyamkumar.
Speaking to media persons at the Sangaiprou residence of MLA N Loken on Wednesday, the ex-Chief Minister pointed out that Congress party emerged as the single largest party in the 11th Manipur Legislative Assembly election.
As per the people’s mandate, Congress staked claim to the Governor to form the next Government. The party even considered about taking recourse to legal aid.
Nonetheless, taking a cue from a judgement passed by the Supreme Court in a similar case, Congress decided to don the role of a constructive Opposition, Ibobi stated.
Those political parties which have formed the Government were saying something before polls and they came out with something totally different after polls. They formed the Government by deceiving the people of Manipur, he charged.
They will certainly reap the fruits of their deceit one day, if not today, Ibobi continued.
“Rather than being angry, I feel ashamed for the Congress MLA who has joined the BJP-led alliance. His conduct is a big blot to Indian democracy. It is a matter for shame for the big party which is in power at the Centre for entertaining such deceitful conduct”, the ex-Chief Minister remarked.
The previous Governments of the past 20/30 years were never toppled by Opposition parties. Most of those Governments collapsed due to dissents within the Governments.
The new Government is also a coalition Government.
Differences on public issues and dissidence will crop up when the coalition partners do not get what they expect from the Government. Party-hopping with the sole objective of getting ministerial berths only exposes shamelessness and such behaviour is morally distasteful, Ibobi flayed.
If NPF wishes to forge any alliance with Congress, they must give up their agenda of bringing all Naga inhabited areas under a single administrative roof.
Congress party would also set certain conditions like they (NPF) should not speak or do anything which challenges the territorial integrity of Manipur.
The same condition applies to NSCN-IM too. If there is an agreement or understanding on these conditions, Congress party would extend all possible assistance toward finding a permanent solution to their problems.
“They (NSCN-IM) are not our enemies”, added the ex-Chief Minister.

Source: The Sangai Express


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