NLA Speaker has molested the Tenth Schedule


The general understanding is that the motive behind the 91st Amendment of the Constitution is to give power and authority to political parties to rein in activities of political gigolos. But the authority vested with the political parties as envisaged in the Tenth Schedule has been molested and ravished by the Speaker of Nagaland Legislative Assembly with active support and encouragement by the Governor who has been acting like a voyeur in the whole orgy of shame and defilement of the Constitution by perverts.

Emboldened by getting away scot-free with such Constitutional atrocities, the so-called Press & Information Cell of the illegal and imaginary political party consisting of expelled and suspended NPF members has started to issue statements which lack logic, reason and sanity.

The Naga People’s Front, to begin with, is a responsible political party registered with the Election Commission of India and functions according to the provisions of its Constitution, and does not function like a student or social organization where members and Office bearers are selected/ appointed at random.

Article IV of the NPF Constitution deals extensively with the procedure and method of electing Office bearers of the Party, including the President. And nowhere is it mentioned that legislators, least of all expelled or suspended MLAs, are empowered or authorized to elect the President or any office bearer. For that matter, party legislators have not been given Constitutional competence to appoint even a primary member of the NPF party!

Also nowhere in the NPF Constitution is any mention of a post called Interim President, and any person accepting such a non-existent post is merely fooling himself, and it is a pity that a person of the stature of Neiphiu Rio has been made the fall guy in this instant case.
To properly educate Shilumar who had said that “the NPF legislature party was gracious and magnanimous enough to grant 15 days to Dr Shurhozelie Liezietsu to resign,” it was not grace or magnanimity on the part of the suspended and expelled MLAs but out of sheer ignorance of the due process of law and Constitutional provisions, slathered generously with hopelessness and desperation, that they made such a ridiculous demand.

Regarding the absurd demand that party properties be handed over to the expelled and suspended MLAs of the NPF party, it can only be said that it is reminiscent of a rustic who, having been removed from membership of the Church for activities embarrassing to the denomination, start to demand that the Pastor hand over the keys of the Church to him!

Issued by
Media & Press Bureau,
Naga People’s Front, Central Headquarters
Kohima, Nagaland

This Press Release was sent by NPF Bureau, who can be contacted at npfpressbureau(at)rediffmail(dot)com


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