MU accused of tampering UGC document


IMPHAL, Jun 9: The authority of Manipur University (MU) has been accused of tampering the original circular dispatched to all the Central Universities by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Ministry of Human Resource Development. All Tribal Students’ Union Manipur (ATSUM) today alleged that the malafide intention of Manipur University (MU) authority has once again surfaced and the original circular dispatched to all the Central Universities by UGC/HRD by speed post on March 23, 2016 wherein the salutation “Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal-795003, Manipur” has been inserted.

It said that normally UGC sends circular in general without naming any Central Universities in the address, adding that in any general circular “the Registrar, all Central Universities” is the salutation.But the circular of the March 23 bears the name “Manipur University” in full address. A copy enclosed in the same circular vide the letter number F.21-2/2015 (CU) dated 32-03-2016 does not specify any particular varsity. The salutation begins with “the Registrar all Central Universities and Principals, UCMs, and not as “the Registrar, Manipur University.”

Now, the question is who is responsible for tampering the document that has resulted in colossal damage to the student community, it asked. The union said the Deans’ resolution on 7.5 percent in admission for ST and the subsequent agitations launched inside the MU campus for and against the reservation norms had hit hard the erstwhile peaceful academic environment forcing alteration in academic schedule and creating a trust deficit between the tribals and non-tribals.

“The tribals are not asking for anything more than what is not theirs and we have our legitimate right to fight for any cause that is detrimental to us but abetting by the authority to deliberately exploit the minority is not a good gesture of brotherhood or an advocacy for peaceful co-existence of all ethnic groups,” it maintained.

It demanded that the Government of Manipur and UGC/HRD investigate the matter promptly and the culprits booked under relevant IPC for tampering the document of UGC/HRD and punished befittingly.


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