The joyous and grand annual event of DAMMS FRESHERS’ CUM LITERARY MEET was witnessed at the School of Social Science Auditorium, JNU, New Delhi on 19th November, 2017, Sunday. The event was graced by SM JALAL SHEIKH, President, AMMOCOC as the Chief Guest of the function and chaired by Ch Kheiruddin Shah, president, DAMMS as the president of the function, Lt. Colonel Shahid Ahmed and Sheikh Najir Hussain chesti Former President of DAMMS as the Guests of honour.

In the chief Guest speech, SM JALAL questioned the idea of Manipur propounded by right wing chauvinist tendency and elaborated the external and internal challenges in the collective imagination of united Manipur. Further, he expressed the apprehension for the want of collective Manipur nationalism since the nationalism of Manipur have been misinterpreted as racist nationalism. Taking on DAMMS he expressed the appreciation of DAMMS initiative in regards of intellectual discourse of many popular issues of Manipur. With the completion of his speech, DAMMS has been given the new tittle “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF PANGAL”.
In the presidential speech, Ch Kheiruddin shah highlighted the new vision and objectives of DAMMS for the general interest of pangals and Manipur at large. He conferred DAMMS as an institution for the students community in Delhi since it provide the platform that gives the variety of opportunities for personality development and activism at a greater height.
In the Guest of Honour speech, Lt. Colonel Shahid Ahmed stressed the need of unity among the pangal diasporas and flagged the right time for a collective effort in ensuring the overall development of pangals.

As a new initiative of DAMMS, in honour and remembrance of our pangal leader MOHAMMED HANIF SHAH , the Annual MOHD HANIF SHAH MEMORIAL QUIZ, DELHI was kicked off for the first time by the President of DAMMS.

The new MR and MISS FRESHER was awarded by the jury to MD AKBER KHAN and MISS HAKIMA and crowned by the president and last year Miss Fresher respectively.

The HANIF SHAH MEMORIAL QUIZ COMPITITION 2017 was opened with an opening remark of the life history of HANIF SHAH. The Winner of the Quiz competition was the team of Md. Shoib Khan and Md. Islamuddin and the runners up was the team of Md Aziz khan and Mohd Amir Khan.

Finally, DAMMS would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the generous donners, well wishers, advisors, volunteers and members of DAMMS for making our effort a grand success.

This Press Release was sent by Damms Delhi, who can be contacted at dammsdelhi7(at)gmail(dot)com.


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